The MicroCaster is an economical, entry-level manual microarraying system. With the MicroCaster 8-pin hand tool, samples can be loaded from 96-well or 384-well plates. The MicroCaster Slide holder accommodates two slides. It has a built-in indexing system that enables precise printing of up to 768 spots in an array of 32 x 24 spots.
It is designed for 1-pad FAST Slides with 20 x 51mm pad size and is compatible with other slide surfaces. MicroCaster accessories can be used to increase the flexibility of the manual arrayer system by providing accurate source-plate indexing and reliable pintool cleaning. The MicroCaster microplate indexer is compatible with standard 96-well microplates and the wash and blot station reduces the hassle of pin tool cleaning.
10486043 | Wash and blot station |
10486044 | 96-well microplate indexer |
10485061 | MicroCaster pin conditioner, 30 ml |
10485047 | MicroCaster System: 8-pin system hand tool, 8-pin system slide holder, pin conditioner and spare replicator pins |